The benefits of social media marketing for lawyers can hardly be overstated. Data shows that nearly 1/3rd of clients find their lawyers online and over 50% of clients say that they prefer to hire a lawyer who has a strong social media presence.

At the same time, you need to be extremely careful about what you post on social media. Any mistake on your part – even if it is unintentional – can backfire and ruin your reputation. Given below are five mistakes you must avoid while promoting your law firm on social media.

Social Media Marketing for Lawyers – Common Mistakes to Avoid

1. Sharing Confidential Information

Sharing confidential information (name or address of a client, financial information, or case details) on social media is a mistake that should be avoided at all costs. It is a gross violation of attorney-client confidentiality and can affect your standing in the legal community.

Moreover, such a mistake can show you in a bad light, as a result of which potential clients might think twice about hiring you. So, do not share any information pertaining to your clients, unless you have their permission to do so.

2. Choosing the Wrong Image for Your Posts

Social media marketing for lawyers need not be entirely text-based. In fact, research shows that adding an image or an infographic to your social media posts can increase user engagement considerably. Choosing the wrong kind of image, however, can defeat the very purpose of your post and end up affecting your credibility.

For instance, you should avoid sharing copyrighted images or morphed images on social media. Similarly, you should avoid sharing images that do not match the tone of the message you are trying to convey.

3. Not Responding to Users

One of the basic rules of social media marketing for lawyers is that you should respond to queries from your followers and potential clients as quickly as you can. If you fail to respond to their queries in a timely manner, they might no longer be interested in following you. So, be prompt in responding to queries and feedback from your followers on social media.

4. Commenting on Sociopolitical Issues

We live in a hyper-politicized environment. Even the most innocuous remarks you make can be misinterpreted and used against you. Moreover, if you share your political beliefs on social media, clients with opposing beliefs might be hesitant to hire you. So, your best option is to keep it strictly professional and avoid commenting on current events and sociopolitical issues.

5. Making False Statements

Nothing can hurt your online reputation like a false statement. As a lawyer, you are expected to be thoughtful and restrained. By making exaggerated claims or misstatements, you might end up painting an unflattering picture of yourself, which might make potential clients think twice about hiring you. So, make sure the information you share on social media is 100% factual.

We Specialize in Social Media Marketing for Lawyers

At Next Level Marketing, we know how important it is for lawyers to have an active social media presence. We can create social media marketing campaigns that can deliver results beyond your expectations – without violating any of the norms associated with your profession.

To find out how your law firm can benefit from our social media marketing strategies, call us today at 1-844-736-6398 or reach us online to schedule a call or a meeting.