Are you struggling with how to grow your Instagram following organically? Proven strategies for 2023 are here to help! With over 1 billion monthly active users, it might feel like a daunting task to stand out and attract your target audience. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to grow your Instagram following organically: proven strategies for 2023 that can help you build an engaged community, increase your brand recognition, and ultimately, attract more followers on Instagram.

Key Takeaways

  • Organically grow your Instagram following by utilizing strategies such as contests, branded hashtags and collaborating with influencers.

  • Craft a compelling bio to attract and convert visitors into followers through SEO optimization & relevant keywords.

  • Adapt content strategy according to algorithm changes for visibility, relevance & organic growth on the platform.

The Importance of Organic Growth on Instagram

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Why prioritise organic growth on Instagram instead of using services that sell followers? Simply put, organic growth fosters a genuine and engaged audience, enhancing brand awareness, trust, and ensuring long-term success on the platform. After all, purchased followers won’t interact with your content or help achieve your business objectives.

A variety of strategies can be deployed to organically increase your Instagram followers. Some effective techniques include:

  • Hosting contests

  • Posting reels

  • Using branded hashtags

  • Collaborating with influencers

A well-rounded growth plan incorporating these techniques can effectively enhance your connection with your target audience and broaden your Instagram presence.

Crafting a Compelling Instagram Bio

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First impressions matter, and your Instagram bio is no exception. A well-crafted bio with targeted keywords, a clear value proposition, and easy-access links can attract and convert visitors into followers. In other words, your bio serves as a snapshot of your brand identity and sets the tone for your Instagram feed.

Optimizing your Instagram bio for SEO involves:

  • Including relevant keywords in your post captions to improve visibility on Instagram’s search feature

  • Sustaining a consistent aesthetic on Instagram, achieved by selecting a color scheme and utilizing photo editing tools or filters

  • Enhancing the visual appeal of your profile

This meticulous approach not only draws followers, but also helps shape your brand personality.

Content Strategies for Organic Growth


Consistently posting high-quality, engaging, and relevant content tailored to your target audience is critical for driving organic growth on Instagram. This means creating content that resonates with your audience, taking into consideration their pain points, sense of humor, and inspirations. To stay ahead of the curve, prioritize video content, as Instagram’s algorithm favors full-screen, immersive, and entertaining content optimized for mobile devices.

Maintaining a regular posting schedule is vital for broadening your Instagram footprint. As per Later’s analysis, synergizing video posts with strategic hashtags and keywords can extend your reach to fresh audiences. Strive for a daily publication frequency, as consistency trumps sporadic content blasts interspersed with inactive periods.

Lastly, don’t be afraid to experiment with different content formats. Some examples include:

  • Memes, which have a high probability of achieving viral reach

  • Infographics, which can present information in a visually appealing way

  • Videos, which can be engaging and shareable

  • Podcasts, which allow you to connect with your audience through audio

By diversifying your content types, you’ll keep your followers engaged and attract new ones who appreciate your creativity and originality.

Hashtag Optimization for Maximum Reach

Hashtags play a vital role in content discoverability on Instagram. Using a mix of relevant, niche, and branded hashtags, including a unique branded hashtag, can improve your content’s visibility and attract new followers. To find relevant hashtags, utilize Instagram’s search functionality or explore popular hashtags in your industry. Combining broad and niche hashtags can enhance your discoverability and help you connect with the right individuals.

Remember, the optimal number of hashtags to use on Instagram varies. Research has found that posts with one hashtag receive 29% more interactions, while posts with 11 or more hashtags garner 79% more interactions. Experiment with different hashtag combinations to find the sweet spot for your content and audience.

Leveraging User-Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) is content created by users that features your brand or product. Encouraging and sharing UGC can build social proof, authenticity, and foster a sense of community, leading to increased followers. To promote the sharing of specific types of user-generated content, provide clear instructions on what to post and create a unique hashtag.

However, be cautious not to overdo it. Posting an excessive amount of user-generated content can have detrimental effects on your desired branding. This could lead to a range of issues and damage your overall brand image. Strive for a balanced mix of UGC and your own content to maintain a consistent brand image and keep your followers engaged.

Collaborating with Influencers and Brands

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Partnering with influencers and brands in your niche can help reach a wider, targeted audience and drive more followers to your account. Some benefits of partnering with micro-influencers, individuals with a following of 10,000 to 100,000 followers who specialize in a particular area, include:

  • Access to a highly engaged niche audience

  • Increased credibility and trust with your target audience

  • Cost-effective compared to partnering with larger influencers

  • More personalized and authentic content

Consider reaching out to micro-influencers in your niche to explore potential collaboration opportunities and grow your brand presence.

When collaborating with influencers and brands, focus on those with the same target audience to ensure your content resonates with their followers. This targeted approach will not only increase your reach, but also raise brand awareness and credibility among a relevant audience.

Utilizing Instagram Analytics

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Monitoring and analyzing Instagram analytics is crucial for optimizing your content strategy, posting times, and engagement tactics for better organic Instagram growth. Instagram Insights, available for business profiles, provides in-depth information on your followers, their preferences, and your account’s performance.

Third-party tools that can aid in tracking your growth and identifying areas for improvement include:

  • Later’s Instagram scheduling tool

  • Kicksta

  • Hootsuite

  • Sprout Social

  • Buffer

These tools can help you determine the best times to post, the most effective hashtags, and uncover trends in your followers’ behavior.

Regularly examining your analytics and making decisions based on data allows you to hone your content strategy, uphold a steady posting schedule, and ultimately, cultivate your Instagram following organically.

Engaging with Your Audience


Actively engaging with your audience through comments, messages, and mentions can foster loyalty, trust, and increase visibility, leading to more followers. Responding to comments and messages not only demonstrates that you value your followers’ opinions, but also encourages conversations that build a sense of community.

Moreover, interacting with other Instagram users – by commenting on their posts, liking their photos, and following those with similar interests – can draw more followers to your account, including more Instagram followers. Active participation in the Instagram community can solidify your presence and fuel organic audience growth, ultimately increasing your followers on Instagram.

Leveraging Instagram Features: Stories, Reels, and IGTV

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Utilizing Instagram Stories, Reels, IGTV, and Instagram ads can help showcase different aspects of your brand, engage users, and encourage them to follow your account. Instagram Stories offer a platform to share captivating content with your followers for a duration of 24 hours. With interactive features like polls, quizzes, and question stickers, you can create engaging content that resonates with your audience.

Instagram Reels, the platform’s short-video content feature, is another excellent way to connect with your followers. Here are some tips to make the most of it:

  1. Incorporate popular audio into your Reels.

  2. Create a static cover for your Reels to capture viewers’ attention.

  3. Use relevant hashtags to increase your content’s visibility on the Explore page.

By following these tips, you can effectively engage with your audience and boost your content’s reach on Instagram.

Lastly, IGTV provides an opportunity to share long-form content, such as product tutorials, educational content, or stories. By leveraging IGTV, you can share in-depth information with your audience, enhancing your brand’s credibility and attracting new followers who appreciate the value you provide.

Scheduling and Planning Content


Employing a social media content calendar and scheduling tools can simplify your workflow, guarantee regularity, and boost organic growth on Instagram. Renowned tools like Later, Hootsuite, and Buffer aid in managing multiple Instagram accounts, viewing analytics, interacting with followers, and pre-scheduling posts.

A well-planned content calendar can help you:

  • Save time

  • Optimize your social media workflow

  • Facilitate batch content creation

  • Automate certain aspects of the posting process

By staying organized and maintaining a consistent posting schedule, you can grow Instagram followers organically, enhancing your presence and attracting more followers.

Localizing Your Instagram Presence

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Geotagging and creating locally relevant content can increase discoverability and attract followers from your target community. By crafting content that is pertinent to the local area, you can advertise your business in the local region and draw in a relevant audience.

Localizing your Instagram presence not only helps you connect with your desired demographic, but also increases your visibility within the community. By focusing on local content and geotagging, you can tap into the power of community-based marketing and grow your Instagram following organically.

Running Contests and Giveaways


Hosting Instagram contests and giveaways can expand your reach, engage existing followers, and attract new followers by offering enticing incentives. To run a successful giveaway, consider requiring participants to tag a friend in the comments, share the post to their Instagram Stories, and follow your account.

Contests and giveaways not only increase your brand’s visibility, but also create excitement among your followers. By offering valuable incentives and engaging your audience through these events, you can organically grow your Instagram following and strengthen your online presence.

Cross-Promoting Your Instagram Account

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Promoting your Instagram account can be done in several ways:

  • Share your Instagram posts on other social media platforms

  • Add a link to your Instagram profile on your website

  • Include your Instagram handle on business cards and other marketing materials

By implementing these strategies, you can increase visibility and attract new followers to your Instagram account.

To maximize the benefits of cross-promotion, create content tailored to each platform and interact with users on those platforms. By reaching out to a wider audience through cross-promotion, you can increase your brand recognition and attract more followers to your Instagram account.

Monitoring Competitor Accounts


Analyzing competitor accounts can provide valuable insights into content strategies, audience engagement tactics, and overall performance, allowing you to adjust and refine your own approach. By staying informed about your competitors’ activities, you can identify areas for improvement and adapt your strategy to stay ahead of the competition.

Monitoring competitors also helps you discover:

  • trends and tactics that resonate with your target audience

  • insights that can be incorporated into your own content strategy

  • increased chances of attracting more followers

  • opportunities for growing your Instagram presence organically.

Adapting to Instagram Algorithm Changes


Keeping abreast of Instagram algorithm changes and adjusting your content strategy in response is critical for sustaining visibility and organic growth on the platform. Comprehending and responding to algorithm modifications can ensure your content remains in front of your target audience and retains its relevance in their feeds.

Keep an eye on industry news and updates to stay informed about algorithm changes, and don’t be afraid to experiment with your content strategy. By being flexible and adapting to change, you can maintain your Instagram visibility and continue to grow your followers organically.


In summary, growing your Instagram following organically in 2023 requires a combination of strategies, such as crafting a compelling bio, posting engaging content, optimizing hashtags, leveraging user-generated content, and collaborating with influencers and brands. Stay updated with algorithm changes, monitor competitor accounts, and cross-promote your account on other platforms to increase visibility and attract new followers. By implementing these proven strategies and staying committed to your growth plan, you’ll be well on your way to building a genuine, engaged community on Instagram.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you grow Instagram followers organically 2023?

To organically grow your Instagram followers in 2023, create compelling and consistent content, leverage hashtags strategically, engage actively with your audience, collaborate with influencers and brands, utilize Instagram ads strategically, don’t buy followers, create an aesthetic feed, optimize your bio, write captions for SEO, find the best hashtags, create a consistent posting schedule, and find your best time to post.

How to be successful on Instagram 2023?

Set clear goals, create visually compelling content, experiment with content types, use Instagram guides and stories, leverage Instagram SEO, and engage with your followers to be successful on Instagram in 2023.

Why is it so hard to grow on Instagram 2023?

Growing on Instagram in 2023 requires content that is both engaging and tailored to your audience, making it difficult for many users.

How to get 10k followers on Instagram in 2023?

To gain 10k followers in 2023, create and promote a unique Instagram brand personality and use relevant hashtags, optimize captions, participate in popular conversations, monitor tagged photos and target local markets.

What is the significance of organic growth on Instagram?

Organic growth on Instagram is essential for building an engaged following, which leads to brand recognition, trust and long-term success.