google covid 19 grant


Google has announced a commitment of $800 million in giveaways to support businesses, nonprofits, and health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. As part of this commitment, the company will provide $340 million in Google Ads credits for small and mid-sized companies.

Gear Up to Benefit from Google Ads Credits

If you are a small or medium-sized business (SMB) with an active Google Ads account in operation from January 1, 2019, you are eligible for the company’s coronavirus relief SMB ad credits.

As an eligible advertiser, you will receive notifications in the coming months about these ad credits in your Google Ads account. You will be able to use these credits throughout 2020 on digital ads on all Google-owned platforms, including Google Search, Display, as well as YouTube. You can choose any campaign types to utilize these ad credits. 

Use Your Google Ads Credits to Support Customers

As many small businesses are facing financial challenges during the ongoing coronavirus crisis, Google is making an effort to alleviate a part of their marketing and advertising costs so that they can stay in touch with customers. These credits will help you support your existing customers as well as reach out to new customers who are on the lookout for vendors. 

google covid 19 aidWhile it is still not very clear what amount of Google Ads credits your business might receive and how far the credits will stretch, it is worthwhile to stay alert to Google notifications in your existing Google Ads account as an eligible beneficiary. 

Additional Advertising Grants from Google 

Google has committed an additional $20 million in ad grants to NGOs and community financial institutions to support their programs for small and medium-sized businesses. The company has also announced that it is increased the amount of its existing ad grants available to WHO and other official agencies from $25 million to $250 million to boost their awareness campaigns on preventing the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. 

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Google’s COVID-19 Relief Giveaway


Am I Eligible to Receive Google Ads Credits?

The ad credits are being offered to small and mid-sized businesses that advertise with Google either directly or through partners, and have an active account starting January 1, 2019.

If I Am Eligible, How and When Can I Receive the Credits?

If you are an eligible Google Ads account holder, you will receive information over the coming months through notifications within your existing Google Ads account. 

My Ad Credits Will Be Valid for How Long?


You can use your ad credits at any time throughout the year before their expiry on December 31, 2020. If some part of your credits is unused by then, it will be taken off your Google Ads account. 


google ads creditCan I Use My Ad Credits Across All Google Channels? 


Yes, your ad credits will apply across various Google Ads platforms, including Google Search, Display, and YouTube. All campaign types can be used for these credits.


How Will I Know if I Have Received Ad Credits?

Google will notify you about it in the coming months. The company is currently in the process of integrating these credits into Google Ads account, so it will take some time before the notifications will show up.

Use Google Ads and Other Paid Online Advertising to Rise From the Ashes 

It is not the crisis but your response to the crisis that defines your company. The worst thing to do right now would be to stop communicating with your customers. Talk to your audiences, put the word out that you are there for them, use social media ads, Amazon ads, and Google Ads offering reassurance and support. Now is the time.

During this historic time, Next Level Marketing is the digital marketing partner you need to withstand this current storm. To schedule a free strategy session and learn how online advertising can help your business survive, complete our online contact form (also available at the top of the page) or dial us at 1-844-SEM-NEXT.